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Girl Scouts Junior Business Jumpstart Badge Workshop

Challenge Island® partners with Girl Scout councils nationwide, and we offer interactive, hands-on STEAM Girl Scout virtual workshops for girls of all ages - Daisy through Ambassador. These session are hands-on, lead live by Challenge Island instructor and the other kids on the call. So come join us on our interactive online classes and connect with your troop members and new Girl Scout friends. We have put together a special workshop just for you!

Biz Kid$, Episode 405, Crash Course on Starting a Business, Entrepreneurship

So, you've got an idea for business-now what? Check out this quick comprehensive course on business basics. Put it all down in your business plan, from getting funded to making profit. Meet two sisters making millions from magnets, and a pig farmer who knows all about marketing, along with other young entrepreneurs who share their creative business ideas. Learn more of how to get started with your business ideas in this episode.

Unlocking Careers at Illumina

Illumina, Inc. is a life sciences company that develops, manufactures, and sells various products essential for understanding DNA. Join Skype-a-Scientist and Illumina for a livestream session on April 28th, 2021 from 10-11a (PST). During this session students will learn about various career opportunities at a life sciences company and be able to ask a diverse group of Illumina professionals about their educational background and career journey. This session is ideal for middle school, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.

Women in STEAM

This program provides space for young women to learn from and be inspired by women leaders across a range of STEAM industries. Each speaker will share their career journey and how they have overcome challenges. The program will close with a live Q&A, so be sure to tune in live!

Biz Kid$ Teacher Training Webinar Workshop

SDCCU launched the Biz Kid$ program in partnership with the San Diego County Office of Education and the County of San Diego, in support of Live Well San Diego, in 2015. Biz Kid$ is an award-winning, comprehensive financial literacy program focused on teaching students how to use credit wisely and about the importance of saving, budgeting, investing and giving back to their communities. The Biz Kid$ program and all episodes are based on national standards for financial literacy and entrepreneurship education, and have been mapped to individual state standards.

STEM in San Diego: Resources & Needs

The purpose of this convening will be to collectively explore the current state of STEM in the region, identify STEM resources/partners and discuss STEM needs in the greater San Diego area. We hope that by bringing important stakeholders together we can host a cohesive conversation about the importance of approaching STEM in San Diego through a multifaceted lens. STEM is much more than education, it is the fastest growing workforce sector, a booming industry in San Diego and provides ample opportunity for upward mobility - especially among for those from underrepresented backgrounds.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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