Komen San Diego will hold its second annual Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference to bring together patients, scientists, caregivers and clinicians to learn about the process of new drugs and treatments from research to market, to learn about thriving with metastatic disease, and to share about current research.
NEW this year, there will be a Fast Pitch--an opportunity for local researchers in San Diego County to briefly share about their metastatic breast cancer applicable research efforts. If you are interested in giving a 10 minute presentation at this event about your research for a chance to win a prize of $1,000 (unrestricted) and $2,500 spending credits to Scientists.com, please contact Lizzie@sdkomen.org for more details. We welcome researchers, postdoctoral fellows and/or any member of the research project that can answer basic questions to participate. Not only will this be a great opportunity to share with the community about your efforts, but it will also be a networking opportunity to connect with patient advocates and those living with metastatic disease.